week 2 day 3

Today was fun. I liked the lunch and how we can have seconds. I also like how we got to play dodge ball today. A con was that kind of regret not participating in playing dodge ball today.


week 2 day 2

Today Was fun. we get to learn more about how to record using a mike in audio. We also had exercise a lot. A con was the lunch was okay.


week 1 day 3

This saturday was more active. I like the fact that everyone was working togethor.
A con was that a lot of the people didn’t open their door.


week 2 day 1

TODAY I learned more new things such as how to record your voice and how to put a speech into its form. I also like the fact that we had breaks to go out and walk. A con was that I didn’t get to join my first choice which were filming.


step up week 1 day-2

Today was way more funner, I got to know more of my partners and learn more things today, a thorn was that we’re learning some stuff that I already knew.


step up first week first day

I love how the staff are very welcoming and patient with everyone of us they also were very funny and isnt mean but the first day was a bit confusing since we just started but I hope over time we’ll eventually have more fun and have less confusion.