Happiness is…. when your smoke-free.

A true friend is… someone who doesn’t peer preasure you to smoke.

Think twice before.. cause someone their life from second hand smoke.

My advice is… to live longer you  have to  stay healthier.

You’ve got to.. stop second hand smoke.

If you wish… to live longer to see your grand kids stop smoking.

Healthy is suppose to…

Every Cloud… is like the amount you breathe out smoke.

Everything in life is easy if you… live longer so don’t smoke.

Grandma thinks… smoking is not good.

If things seem crazy… you need to stop what you are smoking.

The way to get rid of a problem is… not from smoking.

I just don’t understand why… people are still gonna smoke if they know it’s bad for you.

If you are tired of working.. go outside for fresh air and not nicotine.

When you get old… at  ages between 35-39, you can die from smoking.

If you feel like everything is going wrong, you should… take a stand and throw away that pack of ciggarettes.

If you feel like giving up you should… call the tobacco quit line.

When you get a boyfriend you shoud.. tell him to don’t smoke infront of you or stop smoking.

If you miss someone a lot, you can always, tell them to don’t smoking so you can see them more longer.

If you see a tornado coming… it’s like your life coming into an end from smoking.

If you want to be a winner, you need to…

If you want good advice you should… try joining tobacco support groups.

The great thing about getting old is.. living long tobacco free to see your grand kids.

Life is like…

Life’s up and downs are…

The best advice in life is…

HEALTH is not like..

No matter where you go…

Ok, get this straight…

The way to solve a problem is…

The one rule in life is….

The secret of success is..

Always remember…

When opportunity knocks…

When you miss somebody you should…

You know someone is your friend when…

You can always win if you just…

If you need to fix something, you should…

All you need in life is….

If things get you down you should…

The best way to stay out of trouble…. if you don’t smoke at a young age.

No matter what don’t forget… if you smoke, it can kill you.


Tobacco Sentences.

Happiness is…. Means healthiness

A true friend is… the one who is not peer pressuring you

Think twice before… take that puff

My advice is… for you to quit now

You’ve got to…quit now or it will get worse

If you wish…to quit, I can help

Healthy is suppose to…be tobacco free

Every Cloud…looks like smoke

Everything in life is easy if you…relive your stress a different way

Grandma thinks…you need help

If things seem crazy… I want you to stop

The way to get rid of a problem is… to overcome it

I just don’t understand why… you smoke

If you are tired of working…take a break

When you get old…you will regret smoking

If you feel like everything is going wrong, you should…not smoke

If you feel like giving up you should…give it another try

When you get a boyfriend you should…stop smoking.

If you miss someone a lot, you can always, try to not smoke.

If you see a tornado coming…smoking isn’t going to help.

If you want to be a winner, you need to…quit smoking.

If you want good advice you should…try to quit.

The great thing about getting old is…your are tobacco free

Life is like…happiness is you don’t smoke and live longer

Life’s up and downs are…sometimes because of tobacco.

The best advice in life is…to live it to the fullest.

HEALTH is not like… a smoked up black lung or a bad heart

No matter where you go… theres always help.

Ok, get this straight…SMOKING IS NOT COOL

The way to solve a problem is…not by smoking

The one rule in life is…to not die young.

The secret of success is…don’t stop trying.

Always remember… smoking isn’t a stress reliever

When opportunity knocks… take advantage of it

When you miss somebody you should… think about the good

You know someone is your friend when…they want to help you.

You can always win if you just…believe that you can

If you need to fix something, you should…try your best

All you need in life is….happiness

If things get you down you should…not smoke

The best way to stay out of trouble…is to not be a follower

No matter what don’t forget…that smoking kills.


Happiness is when you can feel good about yourself

A true friend is…a person to encourage you to not smoke

Think twice before..smoke a cigarette or anything

My advice is…think before you kill your lungs

You’ve got to..stay away from harmful substances

If you wish…for good lungs stay away from cigarettes

Healthy is suppose to…

Every Cloud…

Everything in life is easy if you…

Grandma thinks…

If things seem crazy…

The way to get rid of a problem is…


Top 10 picks.

My advice is… for you to quit now

Grandma thinks… smoking is a big no no

If things get you down you should… get back up

You’ve got to..live life the healthy way

HEALTH is not like something you should mess with…

Grandma thinks…that users are losers


Tobacco Fact sheet

Many people in the United States either smoke or chews tobacco.  Most of them are teens in school under peer pressure or wants to look “cool” for girls. Most deaths in the U.S. are caused by smoking or chewing tobacco products.