Step-Up Day Four

sorry about not writing about day 3 but we really didn’t do anything that exciting to blog about, but today we started to learn how to record and we talked on the microphones and heard each other through our head phones so today was more exciting than day 3.


Unhealthy living lifestyle.

Today we used illustrator and photoshop to show unhealthy living. I also did obesity prevention. Making something I honestly will never forget. I was a bit tired. Hopefully I become more energized, more creative and more social. Making work more positive.


Pictures and Lighting

Today we learn the basic rules of lighting and how we can use it to make our film quality look better. Today was alright we didn’t do much today but we learn a lot about the features of lighting.


Step-up Work

Today we came back to work like usual, In the morning it was cool like the temperature was just about right. In the afternoon when we go on our walks it is hot like I don’t know if it is just me or something because I am also wearing this light sweater too so yeah. We didn’t really do much today for my opinion, We learned about Storytelling. What I learn from the Storytelling presentation by our supervisor Chou is that there are 3 rules to it. The rules are Beginning, Middle, End, I already know these things but I think I learned a bit more information about it today thanks to Chou.

We then switch over to our other supervisor William, he is the more calmer one to be honest. We looked at some of the works and projects from last year for the Bi-culture Active Living Lifestyle. The work that the Step-up Interns did last year was alright I guess. We then did a word projects using the Complete Street word tab from the BALL website. Everybody made like different design using the same word for the Complete Street thing. For me I use the bike route sign for my word project in TAGUL.COM.


Week 4 day 2

Today we made a film edited it and got to learn and see how the film making process works. We also made t shirts my forcing paint onto it.


Week 4 / Day 2

Today Me and my group named Patatos filmed our film and after we were done we looked through all of the clips and put the ones that we did not want into a extra folder. We also screen printed the ball logos on shirts to keep and took a group photo with all of us wearing it.

There was a funny picture where we all made a funny face.