STEP-UP 2017 Trip to Mall of America

This week’s theme is ‘transportation’ and it seemed like a ‘no-brainer’ that we’d literally put transportation to use to get everyone familiar with what transportation is. At the beginning of the week, the Graphic Design Team read about what transportation is according to the Bicultural Active Living Lifestyle website and began to produce design projects to visualize what transportation is. So today, we planned a trip to the MOA where all of our interns took the bus to the light rail, ultimately ending up at the Mall. This was an opportunity for everyone to familiarize themselves with the public transportation system available in Minneapolis and of course have a bit of fun at the Mall once we arrived. The audio team even brought recording equipment which alerted the security staff at the Mall, so I was fortunate enough to see this and spent some time to talk to them about what we are doing. They were fine with this, but recommended that in the future we contact them first so they are not alarmed with our presence. Additionally, they offered to provide Mall staff as guides and access to restricted areas, which would be pretty cool to see. Otherwise the trip was uneventful, everyone was able to get their own lunch as they wish and we all met back at the Mall transit station before departing as a group. We took the light rail back downtown and then the bus back to the office, arriving just in time for everyone to check out for the day.


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