Step Up Week 3 Day 1

today was a pretty laid back type of day we mostly memorized our raps and played team building games. I served lunch for the first time and it was pretty hectic to keep up with pace of the line and i really don’t know how people do this for a living without freaking out because you try to give everyone the same portion but that didn’t seem to happen for me i either gave too little or too much. I also commented on blogs again which to be honest are really boring and i feel kind of like a hypocrite when commenting because i’m like try to write more and how you felt when some of my blogs quite literally sucked.


One Reply to “Step Up Week 3 Day 1”

  1. Aww. Thanks for writing about your day in detail. I know it’s boring to comment on other people’s blog posts and you might feel like a hypocrite, but it is important to give everyone some feedback and constructive criticism. Don’t worry too much about the portions for lunch, just getting everyone fed is enough!


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