Week 5 Day 3


Today, we continued on our postcard. After lunch Chou told us ghost story in the basement. We also learned how to stencil the ball logo on the sidewalk, for the upcoming Saturday.

YWCA Week 4 Day 2


Today we got to pick which script we are gonna film and my group picked Tommys. Then we took a field trip to do a job fair in St Paul. It was interesting and fun with all the opportunities and hands on activities. I also got to learn more about my coworkers. They are fun to work with. Overall today was a fun and optimistic day.

YWCA Week 4 Day 1


Today we started our violence prevention scripts. It was pretty easy because I had already started ahead of time. It was a fun and hot day. I’m glad i get to have a new video group also because I can meet new people.

Step-up Week 5 Day 2


Today was really fun, I really enjoyed the career fair at the Maplewood Community Center. I got a lot of really cool information.

Step-Up Week 5 Day 1


Since we finished our first short film last week it was time for us to start our second short film. This film is about youth violence prevention. So we went through the same steps we took during the last film, however this time production went a lot faster since we didn’t have to go through training. We brainstormed ideas and began to write our scripts. We also were given a more strict assignment. In our film we need to have a narrator, story that is more informative, and we need to break the fourth wall. So far this new task is fairly simple though it is a step up from last week’s film. I’m looking forward to being given more challenges.

YWCA2017 week4day1


the topic today was how culture impact each other?.
And it went well didnt finished but almost there and today was fantastic.

Week 5 Day 1


Today, we started on a new theme, which is culture and started to brainstorm ideas by sketching. The sketching did help, but I came up with different ideas along  the way. Other than that, today was quite peaceful and went by smoothly.