Step-Up 2017 week 6 day 3


today we watched and talked about our videos and we went over storytelling. the storytelling part was very boring, most of us was sleep or not paying attention. but even though chou had us not on the couch we and i was still falling asleep. after such we just watched videos.

Week 6 Day 3


Started working on a little project of my own and made a youtube video too. I finished my weeks work.

Weel 6 day 3


Today we learn about story telling and we also wathc our fifnah film. Oh yeah we watch Chous movie.

Step-Up Week 6 Day 3


Today I finished my second project and it was chill. We got cookies today and I appreciate that we got it and like how it is a chill place here and I like it here.

Week 6 Day 2


We continued working on our postcard. I finished mine, and is currently working on my next one.