Step Up Week 4 Day 2


Today we tried to finish the Moa and Story, but were only able to finish the story. The lunch was okay, and the doughnuts were awesome. At one a officer came in and answered some questions, and that was interesting. Overall, today was okay.

Step Up day 2 week 4


i havent posted anything from the last weeks and days so i really have no idea how to cover those up but i can try 😅 we were set into 4 groups and i was placed in a group of 3 that is me, Abdirabi, and Jacob and we were given 2 projects which has to do with recording we recorded a story we 3 had to make up and read, which we did horribly because we mumbled and stuttered a lot while reading, Another project we did was we reviewed Shops, points of interest and what connection they have with Bi-culturism at Mall of America and also edit things out of it to make perfect and to day is the last day we can do that for a final draft.

Week 4 day 2


Today was pretty good. We edited our videos and got done by the end of the day. I think the finished product is okay as a first project.

Week 4 day 2


Today was fun. A cop came in to talk about youth relations, he had alot to say. He was cool, he’s in police gang. He was in gang for protection against other children when he was young. He is Hmong. I didn’t know there was such a unit of cops that exist like that. Today i also finished my Abuse picture.

Week 4 Day 2


Today went by pretty fast. All we did was edit our film today. There was another guest speaker. He was a Hmong police talking about police stuff.

week 4 day 3


Today I came up with a list of stuff for what to do in Japan for audio. I like today’s lunch, it was good, although i wasnt full or i do eat alot but it was good.