Step-Up week 1 day 2 Learning, Laughter, and Fun

This is the second day of week one, and today was quite eventful. This morning we went on a power walk, and that is something that i’ve never done before. I had a great time in my group, we drew and learned things about photo shop. It was really exciting to learn about how to use photo shop, cant wait to learn more! William showed us some of his work, and today was full of laughter and fun. I hope the next day is even better. Wish everyone a great day!
-Steven Lee


Step-Up Week 1 Day 1

I feel like I learned a lot on just the first day, especially how much of a social outcast I’ve become. We took a tour of our part of the building. It was hot but I think that most of us survived. We then did a reading and a math test. School just got out yet here we are testing. It wasn’t bad though. It was short and simple. Next, we were gathered together downstairs in one of the rooms for icebreaker activities. It was very awkward and being the introvert that I am, made it more awkward. After that, we went up to the computer lab to watch a video produced by one of our staff that was about finance. It was interesting


step up week 1 day 1

today was my first day working with step up and so far it has gone well. there is a big warehouse in the back and has a sort of basement. we had pizza for lunch and we played a couple of games that were fun. i dont really know anyone here and i’ve been pretty quiet. i was a little nervous at first because im not that good at meeting new people. we watched a video about how to get good credit and stuff like that which was pretty interesting. I hope that i have a good and fun experience here and i had a good first day here.


Step Up Week 1 Day 1

while it’s fun being back again for another summer I tend to always dislike orientation week be it work or school, because I am bored and maybe its the award atmosphere because not everyone is as close to each other as they will be next week or 8 weeks from now. All in all I think I like this group even if they are quite than the bunch from last year, i also think that we learn some pretty important things such as financial management which I wish I thought about before I blew my money. but I guess that something I could work on this summer.


Step-Up week 1 day 1

So my first day at work is pretty stressful. For starters I had to wake up at 6:00am to get ready and that night I didn’t get any sleep so i’m running off of little to no sleep. Also on my way to work I took the wrong bus and ended on the other side of the town. So I had to call my mother so she can come pick me up and drop me off over here. So far my real first day is kind of lame, to be completely honest with you. The staff here is pretty nice its just that when you don’t have anyone to talk to or relate to its just so monotonous (boring). So far today i’ve learned some steps to help me save and manage money. Which I highly appreciate because I know I will need it in my future. As well so far the only major downfall about this job is how I have to get here I literally take a four minute bus ride and then walk 34 minutes everyday to work. Therefore I believe I can learn so much from this job and i’m happy that I chose this job and believe once I get into things that it will be fun.   🙂


STEP-UP week 1 day 1

First day is going really nice. Never had chicken pizza before and that was neat. Other than that I’m excited for my time here. Got my friends here so should be some good times. Maybe I babysit.


STEP-UP Week 1 Day 1

So far today it’s been alright. The food was mediocre, but could’ve been better with sausage or pepperoni choices. The videos are were funny to watch, and somewhat educational. Overall the experience has been a solid 7.5/10 today.


Step- Up Week 1 Day 1

Even though today was mostly an orientation type of day I had fun watching the video on financial literacy and the short film on being safe online. I thought they were pretty funny and I learned a lot about financial safety. I also enjoyed the icebreakers and playing charades. All in all it was a pretty good first day and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.




The firat day of Step up internship

Today wasnt really a good day from the start I forgot to get my bike lock from a friend so I had to walk the 2.5 miles from my house to AMA I also wasnt particularly happy about being placed here instead of Webber Park like I preffered, but there isnt always positives to everything. The first day here made me feel likw I was back in middle school with all the middle schoolers here. The childish activities we did also didnt help my outlook on what we’ll dp here. I’m dissappinted for the first day because there hasn’t been any actual work to be done.