week 2 day 3


Today was fun. I liked the lunch and how we can have seconds. I also like how we got to play dodge ball today. A con was that kind of regret not participating in playing dodge ball today.

Step-up week 2 day 3


Today we used Adobe Illustrator and picked out our newsletter template. It was moderately challenging for those who were not watching. We played dodge ball and went into the school. Today was fun


I was productive today.I finished the project for B.A.L.L. I played with color. I learned more about making a newsletter.

Step-Up Week 2 Day 3


Today, in audio we learn about interviews and what follow-up questions are. then we create our own follow up questions to interview someone. after interviewing we have to turn their answers into a story and record it.

week 2 day 3


Today i did photoshop and learn how to do newsletter, and we play dodged ball and it was fun

week 2 day 2


bi-culture Today we were to finish our bi-culture design and after that we went to down stair and we met some people who put image into the t-shirt. We were able to make our own and after that we went to take picture while the t-shirt. When we finish taking picture mrs. will ask us if we have any question on graphic design.

Step-Up Week 2 Day 2


Today, in audio we talk about an anime or cartoon that we like and talk about the concept of story telling. At lunch someone was looking at us about the lunch. But the walks are tiring.

YWCA 2017 Week 1 Day 2


Today we learned how to properly crop a photo and we also learned about different colors on the color wheels. We also printed some T-shirts after lunch and took pictures.