Madonna Blog 7/11


On this day Bruce and Sylvia came to teach us about “Mental Health” on other people. We play two games that are called criticle and

Marqueja's Blog 7/17


Today a few things happened. First my mom woke me up around 10:30 because my alarm didn’t go off and I overslept and missed work. Then I called Jinny to talk to her about what happened and she didn’t answer so I called Zong. I told Zong about me oversleeping and he told me that we’ll talk about it tomorrow with Mong and Jinny. And I’m afraid that they’re going to fire me.  After my phone

july 18th 2013 deedee


Hello,my name is deedee.

This morning we was reunited with Bruce and Sylvia and we talked about all kinds of feelings

and how can prevent the bad ones and what to do if your in that situation.

I loved it, because some of it i can relate to and some of it i have seen in other people so it kinda helped me know what to do in the situation.

after that we did plays about different issues.

my was about self destruct, it was about this girl and her friends talked about how her hair is ugly and she is gaining wait and then when shes with her parents they say the same thing

july 22nd 2013 deedee


hey, this is deedee today is july 22nd and it is starting out good , think.

because i came in late because i woke up at so when i got her one of my supervisors gave me a right up

and that made me mad but that how it is in the real world so i believe it’s a good thing.

when i came we were doing the paly that we wor