Step-Up Week 1 Day 3

Today was very great. We started writing the script for the video we’ll be making. It was fun. We are making a video about obesity prevention and we came up with a good story. We also started giving roles and breaking down the script. We got to explore the places that we will be shooting the film at. It was simple and relaxing. I have talked with the people in my group more and we all are becoming more friendly. This day was successful.


STEP-UP Week 1 Day 3

We went outside in the morning the stretch and got a group photo. In video production, we learn our roles and finished preproduction πŸ‘. We also scouted the warehouse to decide where to shoot the film.

From the guy who likes breathing,



Step up week 1 day 2

So today is the second day. Did a lot of video production and my video idea of paranormal video ghost was pretty good I thought. Other than that, pretty neat day


STEP-UP Week 1 Day 2

Today we made our story line in filming. The ideas that were given were interesting. Some were pretty funny too. Can’t wait to see how the short film will turn out.


Step Up Week 1 Day 2 (6/19/18)

Today was the first dat we learned graphic design we began with our instructor William letting us learn how to use Photoshop on our own whoch was enjoyable. We then went on to discuss how each graphic design project we create will have to do with a weekly theme we will follow. We had a presentor Xianping cpme in and discuss with us what bicultural actove living and lifestyle is (BALL) The presentatipn was really redundent and not very interesting but I’ve been through lecture many times worse. Overall today was a good day.


Step-Up Week 1 Day 2

Today was great. We got to learn about each other with more icebreaker activities and I think that the tension has finally faded even though it’s only the second day. I feel like this group I work with will make many memories together. We got to learn about Bi-cultural Active Learning Lifestyle (BELL) and I learned a lot. My group started brainstorming about story ideas for our three minute film that we will be making. We had fun and we were very productive. Today felt very successful.


STEP-UP Week 1 Day 2

Today in AMA we learn about B.A.L.L. with Tie’s coworker whose name I forgot. In video production we learn about roles, movies, and other things in film making. We also have started a pitch in video production for obesity prevention.

From that one guy,



Step-Up Week One Day 2

I love today! I really enjoyed learning to photoshop although I don’t really get anything because I don’t know how to use the magic wand, but with a great supervisor like William he’ll probably help me out nicely in the future~ I had fun talking to our supervisor too, he’s funny and cool so I’m even more looking forward to working on photoshopping this year!


Step-Up Week 1 Day 2

Today was a funny and goofy day.The food was great.B.A.L.L was a different experience I had a different point of view I mean I thought we would do more,But was still interesting.